Dividing the Land of Promise Watch Party

Jul 1, 2024 | Blog Post | 0 comments

Expert Discussion Leader: John Haller, Attorney –  Elder, Fellowship Bible Chapel

I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of MY people and MY heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up MY land.  (Joel 3:2)

God takes what happens to the Land of Israel very seriously.  All other nations were given borders according to the number of the Sons of God (Deut 32:8), but God kept Israel for Himself. He considers it His land and its people His people. He is only currently “renting” the land to the nation of Israel. Israel does not have the right to “sublease” it, nor do the nations have a right to force Israel to surrender a portion of it.  

As we observe in Joel 3:2, God will judge and punish the nations for exactly these things upon the return of Jesus. This makes what is happening right now on the world stage regarding a “Two State Solution” so hazardous for both Israel and the nations. It will likely play a prominent role in the Covenant with the Many which will launch the 70th Week of Daniel and will be the most significant prophetic event since the First Century.  Because we believe this dividing of the Land of Promise may take place in the next few months, it is an end-time event we all need to immediately understand. 

For that reason, we will be holding our second Return of Jesus Watch Party on this subject featuring end-time and Middle East expert John Haller as our featured guest. As with all our watch parties, the event will be free of charge and one hour in length. It will be held on our private webinar platform allowing it to be a censorship-free environment where the social media giants will not be able to limit what John and our team can share with you. 

The watch party will be held on Saturday, July 13, at 2 PM EST. Although the event is free, everyone needs to register to attend, and registration is limited to the first 1000 attendees. Because you follow Last Days Overcomers, you are being given the first chance to register, but do so quickly to reserve your “seat” at the online webinar. 



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