Most Readers Miss THIS About Hope – By Nelson Walters

Aug 14, 2023 | Blog Post | 2 comments

Most readers miss this simple fact about hope. In these seemingly “hopeless” times, they ask, “What is our hope?” And many times, they ask Marquis, Jake, and I the same question, what our hope is. 

After completing four amazing (4) conferences so far this summer and interacting with a number of you one-on-one, we can answer inarguably. It is the same answer that the Apostle Paul gave to the Thessalonian church. And it’s not the answer you expect:

For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy. (1 Thess 2:19-20)

Yes, you are our glory and hope. Didn’t see that coming, did you? 

As westerners (USA, UK, Canada, Australia, SA, etc.) we tend to view hope in terms of politics or comfort. Do we have hope in our nation’s survival, do we have hope in the economy, do we have hope in our church? But on the day that we stand before Jesus when he comes, you will be our hope and glory.  And likewise, your ministry will be your hope. Our hope isn’t in our individual survival or comfort, but it’s in those we have been called to disciple and minster to. Because on the day of Jesus’ return, all other things will be swept away.

In our private conversations, Marquis, Jake, and I spoke of these summer conferences as “building up the remnant;” as an opportunity to prepare those who will face the things we read about in prophecy. And here is the second shocker: you share that ministry with us. 

Whether that is by donating your some of what God has provided to you, by donating your efforts through volunteering, by sharing a video, or by sharing your testimony, you are sharing in this ministry. Notice in 1 Thessalonians, Paul didn’t say “You are MY glory and joy,” he said “You are OUR glory and joy.” It was a shared ministry then, and we are thrilled to share our ministry with you now.

In this upcoming month, you will receive a notice about a new series of free, online conferences we will be undertaking in the Fall and Winter with a number of well-known guest speakers. And you will be given an opportunity to participate in FOCUS GROUPS to help us form and shape what those conferences will be like. We look forward to you sharing in this ministry in this way. 


  1. Charity Rash

    I have been watching your videos non-stop for at least 2/3 weeks now. I am really being blessed by your ministry. I pray that God continues to bless you all. Thank you so much for obeying God’s call.

    • Nelson Walters

      Thanks Charity.

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