The Collapse of EVERYTHING is the First Step in Forming a New World Order – Nelson Walters

Apr 20, 2023 | Blog Post | 1 comment

By Nelson Walters

You’ve probably heard about the Great Reset. It is a term coined by Klaus Schwab, who looks like he came out of central casting as a Bond villain, accent, and all. He is the Founder of the World Economic Forum, a conglomeration of world leaders and corporate billionaires who yearly get together at a Swiss Ski Resort named Davos and tell the rest of us how they think the world should be run. The Great Reset is the centerpiece of their schemes.

Now “reset” is something that I do when one of my electronics stops working. I shut my phone off, restart it, and whatever problem was occurring is usually fixed. To a non-techie guy like me, a “reset” is a one-size-fits-all solution that works 98% of the time. However, when it comes to our planet, a reset seems a lot riskier and more dangerous than with a phone.

But what do you do with a planet that isn’t broken? A planet that is running pretty well? Well, if you want to reset it, you have to break it first. You have to collapse everything. Let me state that again because it is very important. If it isn’t broken, but you still want to fix or reset it, you have to break it first. Because if you break it, you can restart it any way you want. You can be in charge.

And I believe that is exactly what they’re doing. Think about early 2019. The economies of the world were humming. There were no major conflicts to be seen. There were no major food shortages, cash was king, and people trusted their doctors and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Now think about where we are today. Did they break it? We are on the cusp of an economic collapse, there is a war in Ukraine that threatens to become a world war, food shortages are imminent, cash will soon be replaced by digital currency, and the CDC and many physicians are among the least trusted people in the world. All of this happened in 3 ½ years.

The mainstream media likes to term ideas like this a conspiracy theory but they cannot deny that our world’s systems of governance, morality, and economics have all come crashing down in an extremely short period of time. They will say it was all because of a virus. I will counter that it started with a virus that is now acknowledged as a man-created virus and it was exacerbated by man-created lockdowns and restrictions. Pretty convenient for people who want to reset what wasn’t broken.

Did all of this take God by surprise? Not at all. He predicted this 2000 years ago when He said, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” (Matt 24:6-8) Jesus predicted the collapse of EVERYTHING, that all these things would happen at the same time in the future. That time appears to be now.

So what is a person to do? You can trust the world leaders and billionaires who are benefiting from this collapse, but that doesn’t seem wise. Or you can trust the one who predicted the collapse 2000 years ago. That’s where I’d place my chips. I’m all-in on betting my life and family that Jesus knows what we should do and will be right there with us.

Marquis Laughlin, Pastor Jake McCandless, and I have been friends for a long time. Partly because we have each dedicated our careers to figuring out what Jesus said to do when the collapse of everything began. Now that it’s here, we’re dedicating the rest of our careers to getting common people prepared for these things and then overcoming them.

There are three buttons below. One will take you to our events page where you can buy a ticket to the “Overcoming the Collapse of EVERYTHING” conference. One button takes you to our store where you can pick up a signed copy of the bestseller “How to Prepare for the Last Days” book. Both of these resources have tons of ideas to help you and your family overcome the days ahead. The third button takes you to our support page. If the Holy Spirit has placed it on your heart, you can support this mission so others can be blessed by it as well.

1 Comment

  1. Ronald Edwards

    Hi Nelson,
    As I did not see any comments I thought I should respond particularly as I now know that God has used mightily the four conferences that you have already completed. Let me know if you get other people from Australia signing up for your conferences. It would be good to get a group of Last Days Overcomers together down under. Ron


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