Almost everyone can see a storm is coming – Marquis Laughlin

Apr 11, 2023 | Blog Post | 0 comments

Almost everyone can see a storm is coming.


Even unbelievers who aren’t paying attention sense the danger, the uncertainty, and the chaos all growing rapidly.

If you’re reading this, it’s because you believe that God wants His followers to be prepared for what is going to happen next. You know God is sovereign and in control of the storm.

That’s what being a Last Days Overcomer is all about. We are committed to sharing the Gospel with the lost in the Last Days, and to preparing each other for the most important day in human history: The return of Jesus Christ.

Ironically many of those we are called to share with are sitting beside us in our churches fast asleep. Primed for disappointment, they are in danger of “falling away” or “shrinking back” as times get more difficult for those who profess belief in Jesus and the Bible.

Just before His betrayal and arrest Jesus woke His disciples when they were sleeping in the Garden of Gethsemane and reminded them to “pray so that they would not fall into temptation”.

I believe He wants to use “overcomers” to wake up His sleeping church now, so that we are all able to endure the difficulties on the horizon and stand before Him unashamed.

He wants you and I to share the good news with unbelievers that He is the answer to the storm. He alone is Sovereign and Almighty. His words are trustworthy and true. We are called to let everyone know, believers and unbelievers, that He’s planned this, and He’s got this!

Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus.


Marquis Laughlin

Team Last Days Overcomer


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