Are you ready for this needed Biblical trait? – Jake McCandless

May 30, 2023 | Blog Post | 1 comment

In preparing for challenges in life and to the faith especially in the last days there’s a trait we need that doesn’t get talked about much at all in church. It actually sounds odd for me to say it in the in context of Christian living, but it’s a relatively expansive Biblical truth.

Not only does it seem weird preached as how Christians should live but it’s called a “toxic” trait in todays culture. When you think about it, a needed end time believer trait that isn’t talked about in church and is being minimized in society at large spells a potential dangerous situation.

Are you ready for this needed Biblical trait?


Yes, toughness. Told you it sounds weird when used in the context of Christian living. And you recognize how this is considered toxic. It’s not just a masculine trait—it’s needed in both genders. Both… see what I did there.

It is odd in the Christian life to be concerned with our toughness because we’re suppose to live in dependence of God. This is true, but this toughness in times of crisis is all over the pages of Scripture. The most noted is found in God’s charge to Joshua.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9

I’d say being strong and courageous would be equivalent to toughness.

I’d also say that being strong and courageous in the shadow of the most fortified city of that era and facing possible giants showed toughness.

This passage in Joshua isn’t just a proof text for toughness, it’s also a lesson in the paradox of trusting God and also being tough. Joshua was told to be strong and courageous, but God also told Joshua to let Him fight on behalf of Israel.

This persevering toughness is a trait that all faithful overcomers have had and those in the last days we certainly need.


Jake McCandless

1 Comment

  1. Paul Parker

    The last 3 years have been very tough
    I’ve battled through with the help of God the Almighty
    I’m looking forward to the fight in his name


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