The Cost of Courage – Marquis Laughlin

May 3, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Have you paid the cost of courage?

As I travel the country presenting the Bible, I get to meet more and more amazing believers who have experienced persecution for their faith. They have lost jobs, property, and relationships. They’ve been slandered by neighbors, sued, and even imprisoned because they refuse to “conform” to the world’s values.

Recently, John McKellar who pastors the largest United Methodist Church in the country took a stand against the denominations decision to adopt a pro LGBTQ agenda. Unfortunately, the denomination made it as difficult as possible for the church to separate itself. They had to buy back the property, the building and everything in it down to the Bibles in the pews! John lost his retirement and some great relationships, but he didn’t loose his integrity or his faith in God’s Word.

He paid the cost of courage.

Maybe you, or someone you know has experienced persecution because of their faith? We’d like to share their story with other believers to encourage them to stand firm, to overcome.

Please consider recording a 2-minute audio summary of the experience and sending it to me:

We want to use these testimonies to encourage and awaken believers to the wave of persecution that is coming our way as lovers of the truth, and followers of Jesus the only true God.

11 And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.

Rev 12:11

Marquis Laughlin-

Team Overcomer


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